Five Steps to Tell if You Have an Accident Injury Case
People are hurt in accidents everyday in Texas. In 2019 alone, Texas had one accident injury every two minutes! (Source: Texas Department of Transportation.) That’s over 256,000 accident injuries for the entire year. If you’ve been injured in an accident in Texas, you are not alone. People just like you are facing steep medical bills and don’t know where to turn for help.
Some people truly are victims of the circumstances and stand eligible to be compensated for damages they’ve suffered. There are specific requirements that need to be met if you plan on pursuing a settlement for your injury. If these requirements are met, you have a very good chance at receiving some amount of compensation with a legal expert on your side.
1. There is proof that someone else caused you to be in an accident.
Whether you were a passenger or a driver on the road, if it can be proven someone else is at fault for the accident you were in and the injuries you sustained, you have met the first step required in determining whether you have an accident injury case or not.
2. The person that caused the accident has auto insurance.
Once it is determined another person caused the accident, you need to make sure they have auto insurance to go after. In 2019, 80% of drivers were deemed to be insured. If the other driver that caused the accident does not have insurance, your chance of recovery is very slim.
3. You were injured in an auto accident.
Whether your injuries are major or minor, you are still entitled to an accident injury claim. The biggest avenue to being compensated for your hardship is to prove that you were medically affected by the accident after an examination by a doctor.
4. You have received or plan to receive reasonable and necessary medical treatment for your injuries.
Your injuries have very little value unless you seek out reasonable and necessary medical treatment for them. When you start receiving medical treatment, you let the insurance company know you were truly injured, and you can prove it by showing them your medical records.
5. You do everything in a timely manner.
If another person caused an accident (and it’s proven), they have auto insurance, you have injuries, and you seek or plan to get reasonable and necessary medical treatment for those injuries, you likely have a case. But you need to act on those requirements in a timely manner. Your medical treatment is the biggest required step. It’s important you get your injuries documented by a licensed professional and proceed with consistent medical treatment after that. Typically, once you pass the 2–3-month period without any medical treatment, you will have a very hard time settling your case for any significant amount.
Those are the five steps for determining if you have a case to be compensated for your car accident injury in Texas. If you feel you have a case, reach out to our friendly team at Bormaster Law today. Our experienced attorneys have helped thousands of people just like you secure comprehensive settlements so that you don’t become another victim of the system. Let’s start a conversation– we treat your case like it’s the only one we have!
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