EVER SPENT ANY TIME AT MARINE MILITARY BASE CAMP LEJEUNE AND NOT FEEL WELL WHEN YOU LEFT? DO YOU KNOW IF YOU SUFFERED WATER CONTAMINATION AFTER BEING AT MARINE MILITARY BASE CAMP LEJEUNE?? Camp Lejeune came into being when, on April 5, 1941, Congress authorized over $14,000,000 for the construction of a badly needed marine […]

Why the Insurance Company is Not Your Friend
An insurance company is a BUSINESS, not a friend. The primary goal of insurance companies, like other companies, is to make money. No matter how many funny or heartwarming commercials you see on TV or promotional emails they send you with emojis in the subject line, their motive at the end of the day is […]

Five Steps to Tell if You Have an Accident Injury Case
People are hurt in accidents everyday in Texas. In 2019 alone, Texas had one accident injury every two minutes! (Source: Texas Department of Transportation.) That’s over 256,000 accident injuries for the entire year. If you’ve been injured in an accident in Texas, you are not alone. People just like you are facing steep medical bills […]

Ten Steps to Find Out What Your Case is Worth
Probably the most common question we receive on a day-to-day basis when talking with accident victims is “How much is my case worth?” In short, the severity of your injuries and the amount of your medical bills that correlate with those injuries is usually the biggest factor in determining the value of your case. However, […]
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